Closely linked with All Souls Primary School, we used to run a programme of regular after-school activities. Post-covid, we are discerning what this ministry will look like. Read more about what the project was like in the past.
Who We Are
Our Schools Work team assists in telling primary school-age children about the Christian message and build a bridge from the school community to the All Souls church community.
What We Do
During term-time we run 3 different clubs for All Souls Primary School on a weekly basis. All clubs run from 3:30 – 5:30pm and offer a range of activities such as sports, games, crafts, singing, drama, healthy snacks as well as a bible lesson where we learn who God is and what He has done for us.
Why We Do It
We love one another and our city by reaching out to others with the gospel and message of Jesus through service and compassion.
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